CSI Hired to Conduct Defense Investigation for Franklin County JuvenileOn October 1, 2019 in Franklin County, KY, deputies received a call from Ronald Thornton around 6 a.m. When officers arrived at the home...
CSI Provides Defense Investigation for Frankfort Man Accused of MurderJuly 3, 2018 Derek Garten of Frankfort, KY was accused of killing his girlfriend, Meg Smith. CSI was selected by the Department of Public...
Former Office Mgr Pam Bradley Indicted by Grand Jury after CSI Hands Over Evidence to State PoliceAUGUST 10, 2017 Pam Bradley, a former office manager of a prominent Tax Office in Estill County Kentucky, was indicted by the Estill...
CSI selected to provide litigation support in defense of Anthony GrayAUGUST 4, 2017 In 2007 Anthony Gray was wrongfully accused of killing both his parents and was later charged with two counts of murder....